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Tuesday, 23 April 2013

War Of The Telecoms, As SAKA don PORT O..MTN Hits Etisalat

Saka has been a popular name, face and brand at Etisalat for long and has appeared in different TV Commercials for Etisalat. Folks usually enjoy watching him and his very funny clips, but check this out as MTN has brought a new twist to the game with NCC directive for Number portability. 

Number portability  allows you to move from your existing network to another and has been in the pipeline for a while. NCC announced it open to the public on Monday. Many folks have said that MTN is going to be the worst hit as many MTN subscribers have complained about the unsatisfactory service they have been receiving.

 I’m sure MTN noticed this and came up with a strategy to hit a particular network at the jugular. They wasted no time at doing that. First it was the ad on the daily last week where MTN used this slogan where they referred to Etisalat. In the ad, see below

MTN further went ahead to release a commercial using SAKA, a name that has been popular with Etisalat’s to advertise the number porting. In the ad you will notice something happened just as Saka was dancing in  the commercial. Take your time and watch it, you will see that the colour of SAKA’s clothes was Green from behind,i.e Etisalata's colour, as he tuned to face the camera you will see that SAKA'S clothes change colour to Yellow– MTN's colour, and he shouts and keeps singing and dancing...I DON PORT O!!!

 Awesome Ad Saka Has Ported

So what is it gonna be? are you porting like SAKA?

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