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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Meet The Vampire Lady

i no what you are thinking, that this is a Halloween make up, well you wrong, this is Maria Cristerna, from Mexico, she is covered head-to-toe in tattoos, and has had dental work which makes her look like she has fangs and even has titanium horns inserted into her head. But she didn't always look like this, she began her obsession with modifying her body after she suffered from years of domestic abuse.

A close friend said people once crossed the street if they saw her coming because of her looks but now she is treated like a goddess.

The changing face of Maria Hose Cristerna. Seen left is her marriage photo at the age of 17

But the former lawyer turned video jockey has said she has always been different.
Miss Cristerna grew up and still lives in Guadalajara, Mexico, one of the most notorious ghetto neighbours in the country where violent gang culture is rife.

Despite her striking looks, the mother-of-four gives talks on domestic violence to women who have suffered the same ordeal as her in the city.

Her busy schedule also sees her travelling the world as a video jockey alongside her close pal and DJ partner on the decks Gis Sanchez. (pictured above)

A close friend said: 'In the early days local people and anyone from the community would cross the street when she passed, making cross gestures as if she was the devil or was possessed.
'People feared her immensely and were understandably intimidated by her presence.

'Many thought she was on drugs or crazy! But now they kiss her hand when they meet her.
'Many almost worship her and take her blessings like she is some kind of goddess with mystical powers.'

My mouth are still wide open wow


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