Heaven’s Hell is a post-modern psychological drama set in Lagos. Inspired by real-life events, the synopsis speaks about two housewives and best friends whose lives are held together by rock-solid friendship and unwavering love, yet laced with betrayal and a lurking darkness.
From the heart of Wales, right across the Atlantic into Sub-Saharan Africa’s most populous city, Lagos, Heaven’s Hell’s cast and crew will be moving the best cameras and equipment in order to be able to project the real issues and tell the story as best as it can.
While Fabian Olojede of Mnet’s Jacob’s cross fame dons the hat of the protagonist, other stars such as Nse Ikpe-Etim, Bimbo Akintola, Chet Anekwe, Damilola Adegbite, Kalu Ikeagwu, OC Ukeje, Gideon Okeke, Linda Ejiofor and Waje will be giving you nothing short of a stellar performance.
Culled from 360nobs
Ejoy the video soundtrack for the 3rd World War
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